We are very sorry that the gate into the field by the Jubilee Stone has been removed by the field’s owner and the path closed.
This path across the field has been used and enjoyed for decades but has never actually been a designated public right of way. The landowner is therefore within their rights to close and block off the path.
In view of the length of time the path has been used, the Parish Council has supported an application to North Somerset Council to have it designated as a public right of way (PRoW) - as well as the well-used unofficial paths around the edge of the field. The application was supported by more than 80 witness statements from people who have used these paths over the years. Additional witness statements will be welcome. Any period of time is relevant, but over 20 years is of particular interest, as well as photographic evidence. If you can help, please refer to this Parish Council website post for further details about how to provide supporting evidence.
Note that there are two public footpaths into the field, as shown on the Ordnance Survey map. One can be accessed via the stile next to the field gate at the top of the bridleway. The other is over the stile into the corner of the field, lower down the bridleway. The PRoW application process will take some time. In the meantime, please use the official public footpaths and do not tamper with the boundary fence.