Backwell Environment Trust

...19 years of conservation, protection, improvement...

Jubilee Stone Wood Nature Reserve

The 10 acre Jubilee Stone Wood Nature Reserve (JSWNR) was purchased in 2005 and is a mixed broadleaf woodland interspaced with open areas of calcarious grassland. Its many rare species include the Hazel Dormouse, Greater Horseshoe Bat and the Yellow Bird's-nest plant. The reserve also has an amazing archaeological history and contains the ruins of a 14th century rabbit warren and cottage, 17th century lead mines and a 19th century limekiln.

Since acquiring the woodland, our volunteers have returned approximately 3/4 acre of hawthorn and ash scrub to wildflower meadows including an area of rare acidic 'limestone heath', now full of heather and gorse. Many smaller sections of the woodland have also been coppiced to create sunny glades whilst approximately 150 metres of hedgerows have been created. We have also installed two ponds which have been extremely successful in attacting a wide range of amphibians. JSWNR also contains a 300m 'easy access trail' leading to the magnificent viewpoint at the historic Jubilee Stone which is especially suitable for the less mobile and wheelchairs. The three main archaeological features of the reserve have interpretation boards and the 19th century limekiln has been restored. For more information, see the Archaeology Features menu.

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