The 10th Annual Nailsea Charity Walk/Run/Cycle - Sunday 13th June 2021
This year, Rotary Nailsea and Backwell celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Nailsea Charity Walks and Runs event. In the past few years over £20,000 has been raised each year - even in 2020 with all the changes forced on us by the pandemic. It was a great success with 280 people taking part despite the difficult circumstances.
There are three routes to choose from – 5km, 10km and 20km. To make sure there is something to suit everyone, this year there is the exciting addition of Bike Rides, with a choice of three routes – 25km, 50km and 100km.
The event will take place on Sunday 13th June, starting at Scotch Horn, Nailsea. Or, if you prefer, you can take part on any day from then until the end of July.
The day is a great opportunity for people to get together, enjoy the local countryside and raise money for deserving causes.
We know that BET membership includes many keen walkers and cyclists. We hope there will be lots of participants this year and that the money raised will exceed last year’s total. We would be pleased if you nominate BET as your charity of choice on the registration form.
Registration details and further information about the routes can be found on website Nailsea Rotary