We want to encourage our junior membership to enjoy our reserves as much as the adult membership.
Here are a few ideas of things you might like to do...

Join a working party on a Saturday morning and learn how to use a Saw or Loppers with a parent

Run about and play in the woods - perhaps build a 'Den' with your best friend

Climb a tree

Take a digital camera and photograph any fungi you discover - then identify them with a book when you get home

Take a digital camera and photograph any wild flowers you discover - then identify them with a book when you get home

Enjoy the Woodland trail at the top of Jubilee Stone Wood Nature Reserve - look out for the carvings on the wooden posts

Enjoy a pond-dipping session - remember to take a net and put back all the wildlife you discover!

Why not send in a report of your activities (by email) for possible inclusion in our periodic Bulletins.
What ever you do, have fun!