Backwell Environment Trust

...19 years of conservation, protection, improvement...

Summer Walk - July 2017

With warm and sunny weather predicted for the BET and Friends of Trendlewood Park summer walk, the stage was set for a convivial afternoon mini-hike. However, because half the walkers were based in Backwell and half in Nailsea, plotting out where cars needed to be to ferry people to the start of the walk/return them at the end was no simple matter! Fortunately with the transport arrangements finally sorted out, we all converged on the BET Cabin for the 2pm start.

Our illustrious leader David Jones gave a quick team briefing to the 16 assembled hardy souls and described what pleasures awaited us on the terrain ahead. So off we set, initially wandering peacefully through the lush green ferns and rock outcrops of the shady ‘Fern Way’ before finally emerging into the warm sunshine and the fabulous sight of the BET wildflower meadows in full bloom. Walking at a slow pace, we reached the Badgers Wood viewpoint with its amazing panorama of the quarry, the Severn Estuary and the Welsh hills beyond. Then it was on to the Jubilee Stone with its equally stunning, but contrasting views of the lush countryside between Nailsea and Clevedon.

From the Stone it was then mercifully downhill all the way, passing some of our newly-restored wildflower meadows now alive with bees and butterflies, before finally leaving BET’s nature reserves to walk down to St Andrew’s Church.

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Then onward, meandering lazily through slowly ripening wheat fields in the summer sun, heading surely and steadily towards Nailsea.

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When we arrive at the Trendlewood Park meadows and woodlands, Pat Gilbert informs our ambling group about the Park and then leads us on a tour taking in the hidden gems of Nowhere Wood and their amazing seeded wildflower meadow project, to name but one.

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With the long distance walk behind us now and the heat of the day starting to take its toll, the lure of a team de-brief in the Old Farmhouse Pub finally became too much for us and so we retired to the garden to wet our whistles and reflect on a very enjoyable afternoon stroll.  

Ian Chambers

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