Backwell Environment Trust

...19 years of conservation, protection, improvement...

Members enjoyed a wonderfully informative local walk - May 2019

On the 18th May, nineteen members of BET and/or Friends of Trendlewood Park met at Backwell Lake for a fascinating guided tour to Backwell Common and beyond.

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The walk was led by local historian Richard Ivens, a member of both BET and FoTP, and long-time resident of Backwell Common.  Richard shared with us the amazing history of the local area, including the development of Backwell Lake, the railway station, the local farms and the remarkably numerous coal mines.

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The variety of features along the 2-mile walk was remarkable and was brought to life by Richard's comprehensive knowledge and lively story-telling! In perfect walking conditions, we headed towards Backwell Common and the old cider farm before passing through the Forest of Avon plantation and on to the old Backwell Deer Park.

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The group returned to the Lake after stopping for well-earned refreshment at The George!

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Looking over Backwell Common back towards our starting point

Peter Speight

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