Backwell Environment Trust

...19 years of conservation, protection, improvement...

Visit by the Somerset Rare Plants Group - June 2022

On the 18th June, the Somerset Rare Plants Group made a return visit to the BET reserves. The group is made up of highly experienced botanists who aim to continue the long tradition of plant recording and conservation in the county. A member of the group visited BET three years ago and was so impressed she arranged a follow-up field trip.

Nine members explored both reserves with their species-rich grassland – and weren’t disappointed. During the day they recorded 185 plant species in Jubilee Stone Wood and 118 in Badgers Wood.  More than five of these had not been recorded previously on BET land and will be added to our species list.

Of particular note were the plants in the limestone heath area of the Coupe Meadow – including Heathers, Pill Sedge and Flea Sedge. Nearby they spotted specimens of Common Gromwell.

Rare Plant Group 1
Over in Badgers Wood, on the meadows near the quarry, the group was accompanied by Marbled White butterflies and took this splendid photo of one on a Common Spotted Orchid.

Rare Plant Group 2

The Fern Way footpath lived up to its name with its splendid Soft Shield-Ferns and Hard Shield-ferns.  One plant proved to be a bit of a puzzle and turned out to be Polystichum x bicknellii, a hybrid of the two species.

The group really enjoyed their day and complimented BET on the well-managed reserves.

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