Backwell Environment Trust

...19 years of conservation, protection, improvement...

Metal Detecting Finds

This two-page article catalogues the various metal objects discovered in the BET Woods by a local metal detectorist and BET member, Keith Matthews, CPO RN, Retired.  Some of the items featured in an article in the BET Bulletin, Spring 2014.  More recent finds have been added to the lists, as they have come to light.  

These finds give us a fascinating glimpse into the history and lives of the local inhabitants.

This page presents the various coins that have been found whilst a second page shows other interesting artefacts: Metal Detecting Finds (2)

If you have an old house and would like Keith to have a search in your garden he can be contacted via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bristol & South Wales One Penny Token, dated 1811. Due to a shortage of copper (the Navy was copper bottoming its ships at the time), local associations/ industries produced tokens in place of small change in the early 19th century, like this one for use in specific areas.

Made by Thomas Halliday of Bristol.

Die Engraver - Bristol Brass & Copper Co.


1811 Penny

1811 Penny rev

Victorian four pence piece or 'Britannia Groat', 1845

1845 groat 01

Four farthings 1909, 1915, 1916, 1917 all found in one hole.  Probably a 'pocket spill'.

A George II ha'penny, date unknown.  You can just make out "GIUS" at 10 o'clock and "II" at 1 o'clock.  This is being soaked in olive oil , hopefully to soften the crud.

George II (1683 - 1760) was  King of Great Britain and Ireland.  He married Caroline of Ansbach in 1705, and was the last British King to fight in battle (in Austrian War of Succession).  He was patron of musicians, including Handel.


A George III (1738-1820) ha'penny, in poor condition, with only “GIUS“ (from Georgius) readable. The indistinct bust of himself is facing right, which helps identify it.





A second battered George III ha'penny is shown underneath.

George III halfpenny

Geo III halfpenny 2 copy

Edward VII shilling, 1910 - solid silver.

Edward VII (1841 - 1910) married Alexandra of Denmark in 1863, and later succeeded his mother Queen Victoria as King, upon her death in 1901.


French 10 centimes of 1987

10 Centimes


Click here to see other finds: Metal Detecting Finds (2)



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